Have you tried a homemade liquid detergent and wished you could also make a dry one to take on-the-go… this recipe is a winner and much better for traveling light, which is a real survival consideration.
I have recently mixed up a recipe of a dry detergent mix I found, which claimed superiority in freshness of smell and softness. I wasn’t going to pull it all together, because frankly, it didn’t seem cost effective to me…it was somewhere around $25 to make a batch. Yikes! But – I made it about three months ago and have been using it continually, with probably a third of the batch still remaining. That says something.
With the longevity taken into account, I now feel able to add this mix to our pages of thrift-conscious ideas. I have been impressed with it and yes – it does have more scent, if that is something you like. (If not, you could leave an ingredient out. ) So……(drum roll, please)..here is a dry laundry detergent mix that is good for use in warm water. (I have read that using dry borax in cold water nullifies its cleaning properties. Not sure if that is substantiated, but I choose to believe it and just use my liquid homemade detergent for the cold water washing.)

1-(3 lb, 7oz) box of washing soda1-(4lb, 12 oz) box of Borax
1-(3 lb) container of Oxi Clean
2-(14.1 oz) bars of Zote soap or Fels Naptha in same weight, grated
1-(4 lb) box of baking soda
1-2 (55oz) jugs of Purex Crystals fabric softener (a matter of preference – can be omitted altogether)
Layer these ingredients in a big 5-gal bucket or other large tub where you can use a long handled spoon to mix it all thoroughly together. When you get it all mixed together it should like nice and pretty with the different colors from the soap and Purex Crystals. I store some of the finished mix in the empty Oxi Clean container and refill that from the bucket. Now, get this – you only need 1-2 Tablespoons of this mix per load. I’ve been using about 3 but that is because I have super capacity washer and I always fill it. And my mix is still lasting in a way that makes my frugal heart happy! Hope you enjoy as much as I do!
Some have asked me what I use for fabric softener. Because the crystals I used said they were only for scent and not for softening, I also use about ½ cup of vinegar for softening each load. I sometimes will sprinkle the vinegar with some essential oil blends for even MORE smell!
By Carin, Ultimate Survival Tips
Everyone loves your personal style of writing. I’m wondering if you might take a peek at my own article and tell me your opinion about my style. I’m not a natural English speaker so this is why I am asking.