Before the 1920s, prior to Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin, the field of western medicine lacked effective treatments for infections. Even minor injuries like cuts or scrapes could escalate into severe conditions such as blood infections (sepsis), often resulting in fatalities. Following Fleming’s breakthrough and subsequent advancements in antibiotic research, the development of various drugs capable of combating different strains of bacteria has significantly improved global health outcomes. However, this progress has come at a cost, as the overuse and misuse of synthetic antibiotics have led to the emergence of bacterial resistance. Consequently, the effectiveness of traditional antibiotics has diminished, with some strains of bacteria evolving into “super bugs” resistant to all known treatments. This alarming trend has revived interest in herbal medicine and alternative therapies, as conventional science struggles to combat these resilient pathogens. Research efforts are increasingly focusing on the chemical components of plants, although the holistic approach of utilizing entire plants or specific plant parts (such as leaves, flowers, or roots) may offer more potent and safer remedies with fewer side effects.If the society collapses due to a new pandemic or a war, most of the services you’re used to having around will disappear. You’ll be on your own for most or all of the things you need – and that includes health care.
As a prepper one of the things you need to prepare for is becoming your own doctor, and being responsible for treating yourself and your loved ones.
Modern medical marvels are uncovering new ways to treat illness everyday, but at the same time, the practical, common and inexpensive ways our ancestors used to stay healthy are being lost. Not just that, but many of them work better than the synthetic pharmaceuticals that so many people stuff their bodies with today.
Our ancestors may have only needed to look as far as the spice cabinet for some remedies, and that knowledge has been mostly lost to history. Wild plants were the main food and the “survival kit” for our ancestors. But if you find yourself in the wilderness without food or a first aid kit – for whatever reason – can you identify common wild plants that can save your life? Most of us can’t.
Surviving in the wild isn’t just about basic skills—it’s about knowing how to live off the land long-term.
That’s why I rely on this guide. This isn’t your typical survival manual; it’s a practical tool that teaches you the forgotten wisdom of our ancestors who didn’t just survive in the wild – they thrived there. So, when you need to head for the hills, make sure this handbook is in your backpack; it could be your lifeline in uncertain times.
These days, it has become all too common for people to reach for a pill bottle or call the doctor anytime something goes wrong, or even for the smallest scrape.
And what would happen if those drugs were suddenly in short supply? Well, we could do what our ancestors did and look to the land for help.
These lost remedies can treat and improve a variety of conditions. Whether you have a headache, stomachache, sore throat or you need antibiotics to treat an infection, you can quickly find something around the house or in your backyard to relieve pain.
Related: ⇒ 800+ Medicinal Plants And Remedies That Might Be Growing Around Your House
Here are 10 of the most powerful natural antibiotics that you can find:
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
Goldenseal is a plant that is native to North America. Over harvesting of the plant in the United States has reduced the availability of goldenseal. Attempts to replenish the bounty of goldenseal are being made in areas of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Goldenseal has traditionally been used to treat skin infections resulting from injuries such as cuts and scrapes. The most effective form is the extract of the leaf of the plant. The extract is applied topically to injured skin. Not only does the leaf extract help with skin and other soft tissue infections, it has also been demonstrated to be effective against some “super bugs.” Bacterial infections (such as MRSA – methicillin resistant Stapholococcus aureus) that we can no longer cure with antibiotics are showing responsiveness to goldenseal leaf extract.
Taking goldenseal by mouth has not demonstrated anti-infection properties, but there is early research being done into use for non-infection conditions, including cancer.
Echinacea (Echinacea purpura)
Preparations of Echinacea purpura have been found to be at least as effective as pharmacological anti-viral drugs that are used to treat the flu. Caused by a virus, influenza (the flu) causes millions of people to get sick in the United States every year. Hundreds of thousands of people end up in the hospital for care, and thousands of people die every year from the flu.
The use of Echinacea purpura to treat the flu is associated with fewer complications and fewer adverse effects than anti-viral medications used to treat the flu.
Like elderberry, we believe there is potential for Echinacea purpura to be used as a preventative for respiratory infections and possibly more.
The beautiful purple coneflower can be found in the central to southeastern parts of the United States. There are many species of Echinacea and they can look almost indistinguishable from one another. The only species with potential for medicinal use are E. purpura, E. augustifolia, and E. pallida. Other species or subspecies of Echinacea may or may not have medicinal value.
Cranberry fruit is used for the prevention of urinary tract infections (UTIs). It works for this purpose because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Also, it prevents bacteria from sticking to the wall of the bladder. This makes it more likely that bacteria will wash out in urine instead of staying in the bladder.
Garlic (Allium sativum)
The garlic bulb that is common in cuisine also has medicinal value. The antibacterial components of garlic are activated when exposed to air. Crushing garlic bulbs works to accomplish this. In the lab, or “in vitro,” garlic has shown to be effective against bacteria that typically respond to penicillin, such as non-MRSA staph infections, the cause of many infections in people. Garlic has not been shown to be effective against “super bugs,” like MRSA, but the research is limited.
Garlic has also been found to be effective in treating Candida species fungal infections, including those infections which are resistant to commonly used anti-fungal medications. Garlic has been found to be more effective against many Candida infections than other plants – including neem, plants in the borage family, Holy basil and fenugreek.
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum)
Cumin is a spice commonly used in Middle Eastern and East Indian cuisines. In addition to its culinary uses, it exhibits antimicrobial activity against the bacteria in the mouth that can cause tooth decay. It will often work when pharmacological preparations will not. It therefore has potential to be effective in fighting “super bugs.”
Elderberry (Sambucus nigra and its subspecies)
During times of exhaustion or stress, our bodies are less efficient at resisting and recovering from infection. This leaves us more susceptible to infection. Elderberry, whether or not it has antibiotic properties, helps to stabilize overall health and strengthen the immune system. The healthier we are, the better we are able to fight infection.
Elderberry has been studied to prevent respiratory infections that are common among airplane travelers. When used for the 10 days prior to travel, elderberry was found to reduce cold duration by approximately two days, and also to reduce the severity of cold symptoms. Less research has been done on the prophylactic use of elderberry to reduce the symptom severity and the duration of the common cold, but it is certainly plausible.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Honey works magic on most wounds, but some wounds heal more slowly. Diabetic wounds and pressure ulcers are skin wounds that are difficult to treat and if untreated, can lead to gangrene and systemic infection (sepsis). Turmeric has been found to be effective in treating this type of persistent wound. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and has chemical constituents that promote healing and reduce scarring.
To be most effective, turmeric should be used in an ointment.
Honey (produced by bees of the genus Apis)
Honey is a magical, versatile remedy with antibacterial properties. When used directly on skin wounds, raw honey will help to prevent infection and promote healing. Honey is especially useful on any type of burn. Not only will it protect the burn from infection, but the enzymes in honey will help to remove dead skin cells (“debridement”) and speed burn recovery. Most store-bought honey has been pasteurized, which destroys the antibacterial and enzymatic properties of honey. Raw honey must be used for medicinal purposes. Raw honey may contain botulism spores, which can cause botulism infection in children under the age of one.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
Cinnamon bark can be extracted in alcohol. We have the best information for its effectiveness for the use in the treatment of mouth and gum conditions. Cinnamon extract can be used in toothpastes and mouthwashes to treat gingivitis, tongue inflammation, irritation and infections in the mouth, and oral ulcers.
Cinnamon oil is very concentrated. Unlike cinnamon bark extracted in alcohol, it is too strong to be used without being diluted. It should be diluted to a concentration of 2% before being used. This is equal to approximately one teaspoon of cinnamon oil per cup of water. This formulation will make an effective, non-alcoholic mouthwash.
Being an antimicrobial, cinnamon can be used in foods as a preservative. Preventing the growth of bacteria, it can extend the shelf life of foods.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
Licorice root has been found to have anti-inflammatory effects. It works especially well in the respiratory system. Licorice is particularly helpful in treating allergic and asthmatic conditions that cause irritation in the airway.
Inflammation is part of the body’s normal response to most infections. While licorice may or may not have use as an antibiotic, it can be used in combination with antibiotic remedies to ease symptoms and otherwise promote recovery from respiratory illnesses.
Pregnant women should avoid licorice, as it can be dangerous in pregnancy. Excessive use of licorice can raise blood pressure. Consuming large amounts of licorice can drop the body’s levels of potassium, which can cause abnormal heart rhythms.
Indigo (Baptisia sp.)
Herbs and other remedies with antimicrobial properties – being effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses – can be used to prevent illness, which is always preferable to having to have to treat illness.
Indigo root extract has been used in areas of the world to treat typhoid fever. We don’t see cases of typhoid fever often in the United States. However, we do see over one million cases of salmonella related food poisoning each year in the United States. What’s the connection between typhoid fever and salmonella? The bacteria that causes typhoid fever is similar in many ways to the bacteria that causes salmonella. Potentially, indigo root extract could help prevent food poisoning from salmonella when used in the kitchen as part of cleaning solutions.
Baptisia species can be found along the East Coast of the United States from Maine to Louisiana.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger has historically been used to treat coughs and asthma. Both the fresh juice of the ginger root and ginger root extract are used. Ginger has been used effectively to treat fungal, bacterial and viral infections. Scientific research shows that ginger has potential for use against “superbugs.” Use boiled ginger root to treat coughs, colds, asthma and other respiratory infections – including pneumonia. Storing ginger with the peel still on will help it keep longer. By putting it in a plastic bag, removing as much air from the bag as possible and keeping it in a cool place, you with extend its shelf life for several weeks. It can be frozen for longer periods of storage.
These plants are widely distributed across various regions globally, easily identifiable, and simple to process into medicinal treatments. They offer potential solutions for conditions resistant to conventional western antibiotics. The increasing volume of scientific studies holds the potential to rediscover valuable knowledge that was gradually lost with the decline in plant-based remedies and the rise of synthetic antibiotics.
10 Medicinal Plants You Should Plant For A Complete Backyard Pharmacy
Even in small spaces, it is feasible to cultivate a medicinal garden that can effectively address prevalent ailments and issues. While many of these plants thrive in expansive areas, they can also be grown in compact spaces or containers. Additionally, these plants serve a dual purpose as they not only provide medicinal benefits but also enhance the aesthetic appeal of a garden, functioning as ornamental plants. Most of these plants can be conveniently utilized in dried herb form or brewed into teas. Remarkably, their efficacy is comparable to that of conventional pharmaceutical drugs you may currently rely on.
Feverfew – Tanacetum Parthenium
Also known as wild chamomile and bachelor’s buttons, feverfew is part of the sunflower family and is a perennial.
Feverfew leaves and flowering heads relieve the inflammation that causes arthritis pain.
The herb reduces the associated pain when taken regularly.
Generations of Europeans have relied on feverfew as a home remedy for reducing fevers and pain. It can be added to teas, or one can simply chew one of the leaves.
For localized arthritis pain or muscle pain, a poultice made from crushed feverfew leaves placed over the affective area is sufficient. It relieves the pain and calms the inflammation over the joint.
Crush some feverfew leaves (soak them if dried leaves are used) and place them directly over the joint. Cover with a clean cloth to hold them in place.
Calendula – Calendula Officinalis
Also known as pot marigold, calendula is one of my favorite herbs.
It is incredibly soothing for skin conditions including acne, eczema, sunburns, and rashes.
A poultice made from the leaves is healing for minor cuts, scratches, and skin irritations.
Both the leaves and flowers are useful and have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Use calendula to treat fungal infections including ringworm, athlete’s foot, thrush, diaper rash, and cradle cap.
Calendula is useful for treating stomach and intestinal problems, including gastroenteritis, colitis, ulcers, and other stomach irritations.
Calendula stimulates the immune system and the lymphatic system. It helps the body fight off infections and viruses and reduces congestion and swelling in the lymph glands.
Calendula is also useful for whole-body detoxification. It helps cleanse the liver and gallbladder and is a good treatment for problems with these organs.
Medicinal Garden Kit is created by Dr. Nicole Apelian, who is a mother, a naturalist, a trainer in survival skills, and a Ph.D. holder. Her undergraduate education was in Biology at McGill University, and she continued her herbal studies. Her life was spent among one of the most ancient cultures of the world, the San Bushmen. For the past 20 years, Dr. Nicole has been dealing with her Multiple sclerosis by using natural remedies and medicinal plants she grows in her backyard. She has also survived 57 days all alone in the wild, which was later featured on a history TV channel. Her journey from a wheelchair to living the fullest life. Whenever she has any health issue like headache, body pain, fever, or infection, she turns towards her little backyard pharmacy.
You can get the Medicinal Garden Kit HERE!
Echinacea – Echinaceae Purpurea
There are three Echinacea species which have medicinal uses: E. purpurea, E. angustifolia, and E. pallida. It prefers full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil.
Start echinacea in the spring, late summer, or fall. It has long been used as a general “cure-all.”
It is used as a preventative and treatment for the flu, colds, and upper respiratory infections.
It is also useful for treating whooping cough (pertussis), candida and other fungal infections, tumors, and infections.
It boosts the immune system and has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Meadowsweet – Filipendula Ulmaria
Meadowsweet is a beautiful and fragrant plant. It grows well in partial shade and likes moist soil.
Plant it in a well-draining location and mulch it well to hold in moisture.
Meadowsweet tea is an analgesic with properties similar to aspirin.
It relieves fevers and colds and treats pain due to digestive problems, inflamed joints, headaches, and other pain. The herb is a natural diuretic.
Meadowsweet is used as an astringent and skin conditioner by soaking the leaves in rainwater.
Evening Primrose – Oenothera Biennis
Evening primrose is a biennial, herbaceous plant.
Sow seeds in the late winter or early spring in USDA growing zones 3-8.
Evening primrose is useful for balancing the hormones and treating hormonal problems in both men and women. It also treats skin problems such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis, reducing inflammation and promoting healing.
Because evening primrose reduces inflammation, it is useful in treating inflammatory problems such as arthritis and osteoporosis. It also balances the hormones that cause bone loss and increases bone density.
The bark and leaves of evening primrose are astringent, sedative, and healing.
They are useful for treating gastro-intestinal disorders, whooping cough, and asthma.
Regular consumption of evening primrose helps reduce blood cholesterol and lowers blood pressure with long term use.
Chamomile – Matricaria Chamomilla
Chamomile is another easy to grow plant for your medicinal garden. The German variety, Matricaria chamomilla, is the best variety for medicinal use.
For most applications, chamomile tea is the delivery method of choice, but it can also be taken as a supplement, tincture, or essential oil.
Chamomile relaxes the muscles, making it a good treatment for abdominal pain, indigestion, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, bloating, and muscle tension.
It is safe to use in small doses with babies suffering from colic.
The anti-spasm properties are also useful for treating asthma, bronchitis, whopping cough, and congestion. A cup of chamomile tea at night is soothing and helps induce sleep.
Apply chamomile tea as a wash for skin problems, eczema, itching, and allergic conditions. Use it as an eyewash diluted in cooled, boiled water. You can get your GMO free seeds HERE!
Peppermint – Mentha Piperita
Peppermint is an excellent choice for your medicinal garden because of its use with stomach problems and muscle relaxation.
However, there are many mints available at your local nursery and not all have the same properties, so make sure you get mentha piperita.
Use peppermint tea to treat gastroenteritis, irritable bowel, Crohn’s disease, indigestion, flatulence, intestinal, and liver problems.
Peppermint relaxes muscle spasms that cause stomach upsets. These relaxing properties also work to relieve headaches and migraines. Drink the tea and rub peppermint oil on the forehead over the affected area.
Rubbing peppermint leaves on the skin slightly numbs the area and relieves pain from insect stings, itching, and mild skin irritation. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties and it promotes skin healing.
California Poppy – Eschscholzia Californica
Also known as the golden poppy, the California poppy has a limited growing range, but if it will grow in your area, it is worth the space in your medicinal garden.
It is native to the western US and grows in coastal and desert regions and in foothills and valleys.
The California poppy has sedative properties, but it is not psychoactive like other members of the family.
The watery sap is a mild narcotic and is useful for pain relief. It does induce sleepiness and has an effect similar to the opium poppy, only milder, and it does not depress the central nervous system.
Yarrow – Achillea Millefolium
It grows well in temperate regions across the US. The leaves are edible and quite good in salads when picked young.
Yarrow is a good, all-purpose medicine with any uses. All parts of Yarrow are medically active.
It contracts the blood vessels and quickly stops bleeding when applied as a poultice to the wound. It stops the bleeding and helps the wound heal.
The oil is useful for treating nosebleeds and minor injuries. Taken orally, yarrow is effective for treating diarrhea, gas, and other stomach problems.
It is also useful for asthma, colds, runny noses, arthritis, and liver problems.
Chicory – Cichorium Intybus
Chicory is often grown for use as a coffee substitute and that alone is a good reason to have it in your garden.
However, chicory is a valuable medicinal plant that can be used as a tea to treat liver and gallbladder disorders, jaundice, and enlargement of the spleen. It is also useful for digestive problems.
A poultice of crushed leaves treats skin eruptions, swellings, bruises, and inflammations.
Additionally, the milky juice from a fresh root has the properties of a mild sedative.
If you know where to look and what to do, Mother Nature has provided us with an overflowing medicine cabinet.
Consider giving some of these remedies a try – although history has made us forget about some of them, they may prove to be just what the doctor ordered.
This is why I now rely almost entirely on my emergency medicinal garden, which provides me with everything I need to make my own very effective natural remedies.
I am sure the information found in this practical guide will prove to be vital one day, so click here to check it out if you’re interested in this kind of knowledge as well.
This article was inspired by the ”Medicinal Garden Kit”. Medicinal Garden Kit is created by Dr. Nicole Apelian, who is a mother, a naturalist, a trainer in survival skills, and a Ph.D. holder. Her undergraduate education was in Biology at McGill University, and she continued her herbal studies. Her life was spent among one of the most ancient cultures of the world, the San Bushmen. For the past 20 years, Dr. Nicole has been dealing with her Multiple sclerosis by using natural remedies and medicinal plants she grows in her backyard. She has also survived 57 days all alone in the wild, which was later featured on a history TV channel. Her journey from a wheelchair to living the fullest life. Whenever she has any health issue like headache, body pain, fever, or infection, she turns towards her little backyard pharmacy.
You can get the Medicinal Garden Kit HERE!
I desire to learn what you have already learned about the healing nature of plants. So sad that most cultures that knew this valuable information did not continue instructing their children, so we can all benefit from that collective knowledge. Please send me what you have. I plan to teach little children about the medicinal uses of plants at church. When children learn, their parents might become interested.