5 Home Safety Hazards You Should Be Aware Of

As a homeowner, you know how important it is to keep your home in good condition. This is essential, not just for the enjoyment of your family, but for their safety as well. The truth is that there are countless home safety hazards that often go unnoticed, presenting silent dangers for the short- and long-term. To help you get ahead of those concerns, here are five home safety hazards you should be aware of.

1. Poor Air Quality

The air we breathe is often never given a second thought. However, poor air quality can lead to sickness, or in some cases, death. Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the biggest concerns, due to the fact that it’s odorless and therefore difficult for humans to detect. Regularly check your carbon monoxide sensors to make sure they’re in proper running order. Additionally, cleaning your air filters once every three months will provide easier breathing, especially for children, the elderly, and anyone else who may be more sensitive to unclean air.

2. Dead Leaves

Most people would not think of dead leaves as a home safety hazard, but they certainly can be. House fires are a very real concern for homeowners all across the country. Dead leaves and other natural lawn debris are highly flammable and can add fuel to the flames, so keeping your lawn clean will decrease that risk. On a similar note, you can continue to enhance your fire protection by maintaining your smoke alarms inside the home. This will ensure that you can sleep easy at night, knowing that you and your family are protected—both inside and out.

3. Lead Paint

Although you have likely heard of the dangers of lead paint before, it’s never a bad idea to hear the reminder again. Lead paint is highly toxic and can be especially harmful to young children, causing damage to the brain and other major organs. Homes built before 1980 are likely to have lead paint inside and children can become poisoned by accidentally eating paint chips or playing in lead-contaminated soil. The good news is that there are tests that you can do to see if your home has a substantial amount of lead in it. You can also perform simple maintenance tasks like wiping down counters, vacuuming, and removing paint chips to prevent further poisoning.

4. Electrical Cords

With technology taking center stage, another common concern within homes is the abundance of electrical cords. According to House Method, wires can present an electrical hazard to children and pets. They can also pose as a serious choking hazard, so make sure to tuck any cords and other wires out of reach.


5. Slippery or Uneven Floors

Slippery or uneven floors can lead to very serious falls among seniors and young children. For those on the older end of the age spectrum, falls are often a gateway to other life-impacting injuries. To keep everyone safe, happy, and healthy for the long-run, make sure your floors are appropriately dry and as even as possible. Be sure to remove clutter around entrances and hallways and place non-slip rugs and mats around the house to enhance safety.


Although there are countless home safety hazards, none of them are too difficult to overcome. With a little foresight and planning, you’ll keep your family out of harm’s way.



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