15 Reasons Why You Need A Food Storage (If You Don’t Have Enough Already)

food storage

Here’s a list of 15 reasons why you need food storage – to get you thinking about it…

What are some of your reasons for storing extra food?

In no particular order,

Severe Weather events: A major snow or ice storm, floods tearing out roads, hurricane damage, etc. will leave people isolated until rescue or repair efforts are successful. This can take days, weeks or longer. Power and utilities are often damaged while roadways and distribution hinders emergency response and supply of food and goods.

Earthquakes: Building and infrastructure damage can be severe and widespread, bringing an entire region into shutdown. Especially vulnerable are the west (San Andreas and many other faults), northwest (Cascadia subduction zone), and the New Madrid region in the central US.

Systemic Risk of ‘JIT’: Our concentrated supermarket supply system uses JIT (Just-in-Time) technology efficiencies allowed by computers and the Internet.

Also read: Society As We Know It Is Breaking Down And Collapses In a Five Stage Process

The thing is, what if there were a sudden unexpected demand – the JIT delivery systems will fail – leaving supermarket shelves empty – permanently.

‘Just In Time‘ delivery is a highly tuned method of distribution such that there is zero extra inventory in stores. If this is disrupted (for any number of reasons), there will be shortages, or even become catastrophic (depending).

Bug-out Have a supply of food storage for rapid evacuation (for whatever the reason). A 72-hour kit with food for 3 days.

Unable To Leave Home: You might become sick, your vehicle may break down, or any other reason whereby you might not be able to leave your home to get food as you normally would have before.

Word of the day: Prepare! And do it the old fashion way, like our fore-fathers did it and succeed long before us, because what lies ahead of us will require all the help we can get. Watch this video and learn the 3 skills that ensured our ancestors survival in hard times of  famine and war.

Pandemic: People will be afraid to go outside or contact with others while fearing for their health and life (a good reason!). Food distribution grinds to a halt.

Currency Devaluation: Prices skyrocket instantly on all products and services. Read something about Germany’s inflation after WW1, or look at Argentina or Venezuela. All Fiat currencies throughout history have eventually ended at zero. Ours will be no different.

Financial Meltdown: An economic collapse could lead to a domino effect bringing down the entire system. When the SHTF, food will become a valuable commodity.

Your Income Drops: You may simply retire, you may lose your job, or any other situation which reduces your ‘normal’ income. Having a food storage will help offset this for awhile.

Nuclear Meltdown or ‘Exchange’: Be it via one or more nuclear plants (sabotage, cyber-attack, earthquake or tsunami damage), or via a nuclear weapons ‘exchange’ – the risks exist, and there are madmen in this world.

Regional Social Chaos: Rioting, Looting on a grand scale. It will be dangerous to go out during these times. The trigger event could be nearly anything. We’ve seen it in the news, and it will happen again somewhere.

Terrorist Attack: An attack if bad enough will close down some or all public movements. It may also shock the markets into financial turmoil – creating price increases and supply or distribution problems.

Collapse of Government: It has happened throughout history. Overthrow. Default. Other reasons. When the gov’t EBT cards stop working, it’s game-over.

EMP: An electro-magentic-pulse, either man-made (EMP nuke) or a natural event (massive solar flare and CME). It could destroy the electric power grid, anything electronic. We will be sent back to the stone age and most will not survive it.

War; World War: Prices go up as the uncertainties of war pressure the markets. The price of oil puts price pressure on everything, including food, and it will probably skyrocket.
These are just a few reasons to have extra food storage.
What would you add to the list?

lost ways


by Ken Jorgustin, Modern Survival Blog


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