The Best 5 Gardening System to Grow Food for all Your Family Every Year Even in a Desert

Would you like to know how to grow your own organic food in your backyard?

Some Basic Tips

Growing your own vegetables is a rewarding activity. Not only does it give you the joy of working outside with the earth, it provides many nutritious meals for your family. Here is a little advice to get you started and to make your vegetable garden both easier and more productive.
The first step in having a successful vegetable garden is preparing the soil for seed planting. Well-prepared soil makes it easier for seeds to germinate and for seedlings to thrive. Your vegetable garden should be well-drained, and soil preparation should be deep, using plenty of rich organic matter like compost to help it retain moisture.
It’s a good idea to check the soil for pH or acidity. Vegetables usually need more alkaline soils. You can either submit your soil for testing at a laboratory, giving you very detailed results, or you can purchase an inexpensive soil tester at the local nursery or hardware store.
The soil should be relatively dry before you begin working or plowing your vegetable garden plot. Make sure your plot has easy access to water and locate it where you can get both full sun and partial shade to encourage different vegetable garden species. Most productive vegetable gardens need at least an inch of water, whether it comes from above in rain or from the tap, every week during the growing season. You can add a simple irrigation system with perforated piping to assure your vegetable garden gets the moisture it needs for thriving vegetable plants.
Before you get started, be sure to learn all you an about vegetable seeds and about the specific vegetables you want to harvest later on. Look for information on vulnerability to insects and fungus, germination requirements, needs for the timing and amount of light, and general plant hardiness. Be aware of what planting zone you’re working in. This will help you decide what types of plants to raise and when to plant and harvest.

To assure abundance, plant more seeds than you want in vegetable plants, as some of your seeds won’t germinate. Keep your vegetable garden moist (not muddy) until your seedlings show their second set of leaves. Continue to thin out the vegetable garden rows throughout the growing season so that the most hardy plants are highly productive. Test the soil regularly to assure it contains enough nutrients to feed all your healthy vegetable plants and use natural fertilizers for healthy plants.
If you decide to use manure, be sure that you know which plants are more sensitive. Manure can burn and damage vulnerable vegetable plants. If you have the time and space, making your own compost is a wonderful way to provide natural organic fertilizer, and it cuts down on the amount of garbage you contribute to the local landfill.
Healthy soil and plants are the best insurance against harmful insects and pests. This means using natural compost, watering regularly, and providing good drainage. You can also plant a border of marigolds around your vegetable garden to prevent aphid infestations.
A critical part of successful vegetable gardening is keeping your garden free of weeds. They steal water, light, and nutrients from your vegetable plants. Be sure to hoe your vegetable garden and cultivate the soil frequently, especially after it rains or you water your vegetable plants. Weeds are much easier to remove when the soil is loose and moist. Be careful, though, not to damage your vegetable plants when you pull weeds that are close to the stems or roots. Covering the soil between your vegetable garden rows with a light layer of pine needles mixed with cut grass will discourage weeds, as will laying wet newspaper between the rows.
These are only a few tips for having a productive vegetable garden. But this basic advice will take you a long way toward a healthy family diet throughout the growing season.



Straw Bale Gardening

Hay bale gardening is probably the most fun you’ll have growing your own food and herbs, requiring almost no work or maintenance.

Before we get into why hay bales are superior to straw bales, let’s first define what they are:
Straw bales are basically stalks of plants, usually corn, that have been dried out and baled together into various shapes and sizes.
Hay bales are grasses that have been dried and baled together.

Hydroponic Garden for profit at $918 per square foot, income, annually

This is a system, designed for maximum production and lowest cost
Lowest water consumption and lowest use of fertilizer
Lowest impact on ground water, too
Feed yourself; Feed others
Run your own silver mining operation
When your neighbors are starving, take their silver coins and gold
Viewer discretion advised; Humorous, but somewhat obscene

DIY Hydroponic Garden Tower – The ULTIMATE hydroponic system growing over 100 plants in 10 sq feet

This is a simple hydroponic system made with 4″ irrigation pipes. You can buy everything at your local hardware store and a local hydroponics store. It uses 80% less water than square foot gardening and does not require you to break your back bending down to garden.

This hydroponics growing system can grow:

Yellow Squash
Lettuce (of all types)
Pickle Cucumbers
Cabbage (of all types)
Green Beans
Cherry Tomatoes
Any above ground veggie

You can make them shorter and lower, such that it can fit onto the back of even a small patio. This homemade hydroponic system is a version of vertical hydroponics that can easily be disassembled and moved, if you are just renting, or can be put on rollers, if you want to move it around on your back patio.

Please consider building on yourself, so that you can produce local food in hyper-abundance. This beats food storage any day, and in a worst case scenario, you can sell the food for top dollar. When millions of people produce their own local food in hyper-abundance, then hunger doesn’t stand a chance.

1/2 Acre Urban Homestead in the Desert Grows Fruits, Vegetables & More

In this episode you will get a full tour of this urban homestead, including many of the different edible crops growing. You will discover some of the techniques that were used to make this a bountiful, and productive garden.
You will learn how to quickly and easily dig a 3’x3′ foot hole into hard desert soil, how they start their seeds and transplants, how to plant two fruit trees in one hole, some of the best nutrients you can add to your garden, and so much more.
You will also discover how standard EMT electrical conduit was used to make garden structures such as a bird netting frame, hoophouse frame and even a trellis.
After watching this episode you will learn alot about starting and growing your own urban homestead so you can supply you and your family with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

What is Aquaponics? How it Works & Why an Aquaponic Setup Can Fail

Aquaponic Place in Waimanalo, Hawaii to share with you what exactly is Aquaponics, and how it works. You will discover the key element to a successful aquaponics system, and its more than just the fish and the plants. You will also learn some of the different vegetables, fruits, and herbs that can be grown under aquaponics. You will discover a unique way for starting seed under aquaponics as well as watering baby plants automatically. You will learn what a bell siphon and how it operates without any power… After watching this episode you will have a really good understanding of how an aquaponics system works and why you may want to use it at home to grow some of your own food including vegetables and fish.

Would you be able to sustain your loved ones when all hell brakes loose?In this video, I will unearth a long-forgotten secret that helped our ancestors survive famines, wars, economic crises, diseases, droughts, and anything else life threw at them… a secret that will help you do the same for your loved ones when America crumbles into the ground.I’m also going to share with you three old lessons that will ensure your children will be well fed when others are rummaging through garbage bins. Click here to learn all about the 3 skills that will help you thrive in any crises situation.

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